If you’re a Stranger Studios client using one of our custom WordPress themes, these special formatting options may be available to you. If these tricks aren’t working as intended on your theme, contact us and we will troubleshoot!

Controlling Page Menus

  • Main Navigation Menu: The pages that appear in your site’s main menu have a custom field with the name “mainmenu” and the value “true”.
  • Footer Navigation Menu: The pages that appear in your site’s footer menu have a custom field with the name “footermenu” and the value “true”.
  • Mini-Navigation Menu: Some sites we have coded have a third menu, generally floated in the upper right header space. The pages that appear in your site’s mini menu have a custom field with the name “minimenu” and the value “true”.
  • The order in which the pages appear within the menu is controlled by the page’s “Order” attribute (found in the right hand column of the Edit Page screen within the admin).

Changing the Page title on the page vs. within a menu

Add a custom field with the name “longtitle” and the value of the longer page title. The custom field value will show up within the H2 tag on the page, but the shorter WordPress title will be used within navigation menus.

Hiding pages from the site map / sidebar menus

Add a custom field with the name “hide” and the value “true” to exclude it from your site map and other menus/navigation.

Controlling the content of the 404/Page Not Found

Rather than use the WordPress default content for a 404 page error, your theme has special functionality allowing you to control the text shown on this page. The page can be edited as any other WordPress page within the /wp-admin/ panel under Pages -> Edit Page. If you have a site with a lot of pages, do a page search for “404” to help locate this page.

Horizontal/Divider Line

I generally use a lot of thin grey lines to break up content and divide page or post content into meaningful chunks. This is the code for that thin line:

Here’s the HTML code above rendered as it would appear on your site:

Clearing DIVs

If you are preparing a page with a lot of floating images, you may find the content is rendering funky below the image. In order to clear out that floating image and make the new text render within the full page width, you want to insert a clearing div using this code:

Show excerpts from subpages on a Parent Page

We have written a special shortcode allowing you to display excerpts from the children of a parent page. The order in which these subpage excerpts display is controlled by the subpage’s “Order” attribute (found in the right hand column of the Edit Page screen within the admin). The shortcode will show the subpage title (linked), the excerpt (all content before the subpage’s “more” quicktag), and a link to “Continue Reading More About (subpagetitle) ».

The shortcode that will display subpage excerpts is:


To exclude any child pages from showing up in the list, write down a comma-separate list of subpage ids to exclude and use this shortcode:

[subpagelist exclude="1,2,3"]

Same Page As shortcode

Some clients have asked that one page have the same exact content as another page, just navigated to and titled in a different way. This could be useful if you are running landing page campaigns for the same content with a different styling or special meta data. Thus, we have written a special shortcode making one WordPress page dynamically pull in content from another page.

The shortcode that will display the same content as another page is:

[samepageas id="x"]

Where x is the id of the page you wish to pull in the content from.


If your site is equipped with the SS-Downloads plugin, click here for a tutorial on how to use that functionality. The basic jist is that you add a shortcode with the file name and optional title for download link like this:

[download file="http://path_to_file" title="optional title"]

The SS-Downloads plugin allows you to hide a downloadable file behind a required email capture on your site pages or blog posts. This would be useful for a White Paper download or other private content that you are using to generate a mailing list, track downloads, or simply block from mass-distribution.